@gianluca.barbara @gianluca.barbara

#19: Shakshuka

Shakshuka is a Tunisian breakfast dish made of gently poached eggs in a delicious chunky tomato and bell pepper sauce.

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@gianluca.barbara @gianluca.barbara

#16: Minestra With Chicken Breast (On The Side)

I bet all you folks living in Malta have heard of the ‘Mil-Kċina taz-Zija’ line of foods that range from Ful Imqaxxar (peeled broad beans) to a good old, fashioned minestra. If not, then here’s a link.

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@gianluca.barbara @gianluca.barbara

#14: Tofu Stir Fry

This spicy, sumptuous stir fry is not only very filling, it’s absolutely delightful. It is also completely plant-based. Get ready for some gains with this high protein meal.

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@gianluca.barbara @gianluca.barbara

#12: Tofu Steak Salad

Fancy a steak but want to keep it plant-based? Substitute your steak for tofu and keep the taste the same.

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@gianluca.barbara @gianluca.barbara

#10: Cauliflower Pizza

Trying to fight off that pizza urge while keeping low on the calories, and obviously staying away from the refined grains? Look no further, this cauliflower-base pizza’s got you covered.

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@gianluca.barbara @gianluca.barbara

#9: Eggplant Pizza Bites

This recipe will change your life forever. A single eggplant can be used to fill the bulk of your plate while also satisfying your urge for a pizza.

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