#45: Free Weights Or Machines?

We are inclined to think that free weights are superior to machines in the gym. At least when it comes to improving both balance and stability.

From the get-go, this statement makes logical sense because free weights require a lifter to balance in three-dimensional space.

On the other hand, machines provide a fixed path of movement that do not allow for wayward movement or stability challenges.

Although this premise makes sense, one study, spearheaded by Fabricio Rossi and Brad Schoenfeld (2018), showed that just because this logic points in a certain direction, it may not necessarily translate directly into practice.

During the study, the research team witnessed a greater improvement in dynamic balance with a ‘leg press only’ group (via machine) when compared to a ‘squat only’ group after subjects engaged in their respective exercises for a 10-week period. The subjects, however, were all young and untrained men.

The study had an additional group: men performing both exercises over the same period of time. And these guys had the best results overall.

Considering the population (untrained, young men), this study was only a small piece of the puzzle. It cannot be considered enough to answer the question on behalf of all men and women. Since this trial was done on untrained persons, we could have witnessed early phase adaptations that may not be congruent with other populations (trained men or women may react differently).

It just goes to show that just because a concept makes sense, it may not necessarily hold true when put to the test on scientific grounds.


Gianluca is a certified and registered specialist in exercise and nutrition science. He is also a journalist and avid researcher on a mission to find the healthiest lifestyle, even while living on the fattest island in Europe.


#46: Can Increasing Protein Help Me Burn Calories Because Of Its ‘Thermic Effect’?


#44: What Are My Daily Health Habits?